Financial App
AirChain Portfolio Navigator
The AirChain portfolio navigator keeps track of your positions.
Enter data into a text file:
[ { "name": "Ledger", "coins": [ { "symbol": "BTC", "quantity": 0.1 }, { "symbol": "ETH", "quantity": 1 }, { "symbol": "LINK", "quantity": 10 }, { "symbol": "USDC", "quantity": 100 } ] }, { "name": "BlockFi", "coins": [ { "symbol": "BTC", "quantity": 0.2 } ], "transactions": [ { "date": "2020-08-13", "type": "deposit" , "symbol": "ETH", "amount": 3 }, { "date": "2020-08-31", "type": "interest", "symbol": "ETH" , "amount": 0.005 }, { "date": "2020-09-30", "type": "interest", "symbol": "ETH" , "amount": 0.01 }, { "date": "2020-10-31", "type": "interest", "symbol": "ETH" , "amount": 0.01 }, { "date": "2020-11-19", "type": "withdral", "symbol": "ETH" , "amount": -3.025 } ] }, { "name": "Kraken", "coins": [ { "symbol": "BTC", "quantity": 0.2 } ], "transactions": [ { "date": "10-17-20 04:19:17 +0000", "type": "deposit", "symbol": "BTC", "currency": "₿ Bitcoin (XBT)" , "amount": 0.2 } ] }, { "name": "Bank Trust", "coins": [ { "symbol": "USD", "quantity": 5000 } ] } ]
You can also use your exchange API keys.
Enter your keys into a text file:
BINANCE_API_KEY=4q6kiqdwd2mYfXW0khkia0wfliRZiNFrerXcZbCMmnpnb BINANCE_API_SECRET=z06mJeSaBAhgI1hG4LHic5O505HjhqesskAbgbYTbYbbws COINBASEPRO_API_KEY=37df6fff0f1e439dbd3e2446gnjmkmk8k2l8s74a COINBASEPRO_API_SECRET=wf63Wp6wKnzvSdhdNhKjg3nm49CnimnfmKjd0dVXdXmzddXuy7d6A3i3rgzdbZm COINBASEPRO_API_PASSPHRASE=usa836vasksdk
AirChain Portfolio Navigator
These instructions assume you have Yarn installed.
Open a terminal in the project parent directory.
Clone the
GitHub repository
git clone
Enter the repository directory:
cd crapp
Use Yarn to install the dependencies:
Copy over the example database and edit as needed:
cp data/repositorys.json.example data/repositorys.json
If you have accounts at either Binance or Coinbase then copy over the example environment file and edit as needed:
cp .env.example .env
Run the server:
yarn dev
The webserver will be available at
For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the
Nuxt.js docs